<aside> 👩🏻💻 Sole Proprietor, Owner/President, 63 years old, 38 years of experience in Hudson, OH
[10 minutes]
Rents trucks at Home Depot ($19-25 per 1.5 hr) because no hitch on van
Would user a trailer to bring [materials] to job or [garbage] to the dump
Materials are mostly all stackable, no need to secure
If materials need to be secured, use tarp with bungee
Takes about 15 miles or 30 minutes to drive to a job: highway preferred, always residential roads
Would drop off trailer to Home Depot again
“It’s very easy to rent truck”: just need insurance card and fill truck with gas before returning
Could see uses for landscaping or hauling, make the use of mileage
Would use an autonomous trailer because he doesn’t have a hitch!
Tractor Beam in Star Trek (beam that pulls ship)